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streamer starter kit

want to produce high quality content without fronting the cost of an expensive set up? our streamer starter kit includes a high quality pc (8+ core modern cpu, 70-series gpu, 32 gb memory, 2 tb storage options), monitor, keyboard, mouse, and headset available for a low monthly cost.

our streamer starter kit gives your platform an advantage like no other. it allows you to focus on and grow your content first and foremost without the financial stress of purchasing a full setup.

this kit is designed to be flexible with your needs. the included parts allow for a wide variety of uses encompassing different forms of content. you also have the opportunity to sign up for 12 months with the streamer starter kit or to go more flexible with a month-to-month option for a minimum of 3 months.

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thanks for joining the waitlist! we will reach out to you once we have a kit available for you.

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